Premium Package
Everything you will need to start your new business and a whole lot of extras…
Now only US$360.00 US$300.00
SPECIAL OFFER – 20% OFF Ends 31st September 2021.
What’s Included
Premium Package
Our All Inclusive Premium Package includes everything you will need to start your new business.
This package is designed with a client who want to be compliant with all the company registration regulations keep everything in order for easy reference in mind.
And if you change your mind during the first 12 months, we will close your company at no additional cost – providing peace of mind and much more.
Consider if
If your budget can stretch to it and you want to take advantage of our full range of services to provide your new business with a great start to its life.
Savings when you choose this package
If you were to purchase each item in this package separately, the overall cost would be US$360. So by selecting the All Inclusive package you save US$60.00.
Please note:
- Our shelf companies provide a company with Ordinary shares. If you require a company with more than one class of share, please call our customer service team at +263 778 702 715, and we will be happy to assist you.
- Ready to Trade Shelf Company (Private Limited Company)
- Company documents including
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Memorandum & Articles of Association
- CR 5 (former CR 6)
- CR 6 (former CR 14)
- Instant transfer of company ownership
- Companies Registry fee (for director and address changes)
- High quality printed share transfer certificates
- High quality printed share certificate(s) for every shareholder
- Meeting Minutes approving share transfer and issue minutes confirming the approval
- Letter of acceptance for purchase of shares
- Appointment letter from new directors
- Resignation letter from the current shelf company directors
- Minutes to appoint or resign director(s)
- Declaration of non-trading
- First meeting minutes for the new shareholders and directors
- Printed and bound copies of all 5 Statutory Registers
- Photocopied and certified copies of all company documents including the memorandum and articles of association for every shareholder
- Scanned digital pdf copies of all company documents
- Digital pdf copies of share transfer certificates
- Digital pdf copies of share certificates
- Digital copies of all 5 Statutory Registers
- 12 month cancellation protection
- FREE support for the lifetime of your company
- FREE notifications for annual filings
- FREE ebook (the ultimate guide to starting your business)
Add a Tax Clearance to this package for a discounted price of US$65.00 US$45.00 and enjoy a 20% discount plus a FREE CR2!!!
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any hidden costs?
The price you see quoted above is exactly the price you will pay.
Companies Registry fees, and we have included this cost in our package price.
All of the items included are a one-off payment, with no need for renewal.
What do I need to provide to purchase a shelf company?
Shelf Companies are easy to buy. You will need at least two directors and one shareholder, and company addresses.
Simply order your preferred shelf company and the documents should be ready within 24 working hours.
See also: Information Required to Set Up a Company.
What is the 12 month Cancellation Protection and why would I need it?
If you change your mind and decide you no longer need your company within the first 12 months of buying it, we will close the company for you.
Our Company De-registration service normally costs US$165.00 and so this item will save you a considerable amount of money.
Alternatively we can buy the company from you depending on what suits us. T&C’s apply.
What are the annual filings that you will notify me of?
Every company should file an annual return and a declaration of annual general meeting. Failure to do that, the company attracts a penalty for every year missed, the Registrar of Companies might action against the directors, it attracts a civil penalty to the directors and the company risks being deregistered.
What is a declaration of non-trading?
A declaration of non-trading is a statement signed by a nominee director, certifying that the company has not traded or incurred any liabilities prior to it being transferred to the new owners.
What other service can I order together with this service?
You can also add a Tax Clearance Service and a Trade Name Registration Service. These services are hugely discounted when you order them together with a shelf company.
Are trade names being registered?
Yes trade names are now being registered. Due to many companies using similar trade names, the new Companies and Other Business Entities Acts requires ALL companies using trade names to register the trade name with the Companies Registry.
What is a CR 2 that I will receive when I order this package with a tax clearance?
A CR 2 now called CR 11 is a mandatory requirement when you want to open a bank account. It shows the shareholding structure of a company.

Tel: (0242) 709 883
Mob: 0778 702 715
E-mail: is a service by Companies Made Easy (CME) a company registered in Zimbabwe at Pockets Building, 69 Jason Moyo Avenue, Second Floor, Suite 208 - 209, Harare. CME specialises in Shelf Company Registration in Zimbabwe and related corporate secretarial services.
Company Number: 15985/2019

Deeds, Companies, and Intellectual Property (DCIP) Registered Consultant

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