Post Purchase Support
You have purchased your shelf company – now what?
You can start trading through your company as soon as you receive your company documents that is usually in not more than 24 working hours.
If you choose to start trading straight away, your company is ‘active’ and you must register with the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) for your tax obligations within 1 month of starting to trade. If you do not want to trade until a later date, you do not have to register with ZIMRA. When you are eventually ready to trade, you will need to register for income tax and/or PAYE.
Receiving your company documents
All shelf companies have a set of company documents. This consists of a Certificate of Incorporation, a Memorandum and Articles of Association, CR 5 (former CR 6) – list of company addresses, CR 6 (former CR 14) – list of company directors and secretary, Share Transfer Certificates and Share Certificates.
You can collect the company documents from our offices or we can ship them to your prefered address. If your package includes digital documents, we will email these out to you within 24 hours of purchasing your shelf company.
These documents must be kept safe at all times. Back up any digital copies and store paper documents at your registered office address. Directors are responsible for ensuring all registration documents are maintained in a secure location and available for inspection upon request.
Depending on the package you choose, you will get some or all of these;
- Ready to Trade Shelf Company (Private Limited Company)
- Company documents including
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Memorandum & Articles of Association
- CR 5 (former CR 6)
- CR 6 (former CR 14)
- Instant transfer of company ownership
- Companies Registry fee (for director and address changes)
- High quality printed share transfer certificates
- High quality printed share certificate(s) for every shareholder
- Meeting Minutes approving the sell of the shelf company
- Letter of acceptance for purchase of shares
- Tax clearance (claimable anytime)
- PAYE Registration (claimable at anytime)
- Printed and bound copies of all 5 Statutory Registers
- Photocopied and certified copies of all company documents including the memorandum and articles of association for every shareholder
- Trade name registration (claimable anytime) – with certificate of trade name issued by the Registrar of Companies – invaluable in giving you peace of mind that noone will use your trade name
- Scanned digital pdf copies of all company documents
- Digital pdf copies of share transfer certificates
- Digital pdf copies of share certificates
- Digital copies of all 5 Statutory Registers
- 12-month Cancellation Protection
- FREE support for the lifetime of your company
- FREE notifications for annual filings
- FREE ebook (the ultimate guide to starting your business
- FREE bank account opening assistance
- FREE bank advice note
- FREE CR 2 claimable anytime
- FREE first meeting minutes
Where can I find my company registration number?
Your unique company number is displayed on your Certificate of Incorporation. You will also be able to find it on the public register of companies and on any official documentation you receive from the Companies Registry e.g CR 5, CR 6 etc.
Changing company details
You must tell the Companies Registry about all significant changes to your company. This includes:
- Change of company addresses
- Change of company name
- Changes to members’ details
- Changes to officers’ details
- Appointment/removal of a director or secretary
- Changes to share capital
- Changes to the Articles of Association
You can inform the Companies Registry about changes to your company using ‘Shelf Companies’.
*When you purchase a shelf company we will do these changes for you for FREE.
Changing your company name
You can change the registered name of your company whenever you like, but you must adhere to some rules and guidelines. It cannot be the ‘same as’ or too like’ an existing company name.
You can change your company name by special resolution of the shareholders.
You should notify the Companies Registry immediately upon choosing a new name – it will not be official until the change has been approved by the Companies Registry and you receive a Certificate of Name Change. You will then be able to update your company signage, stationery and online materials accordingly.
Changing your company addresses
You can change your company addresses (phyical, postal and email) whenever you like, but the physical address must remain a Zimbabwean address. The Companies Registry should be notified of any such changes and the public register will be updated accordingly.
Remember to update your company stationery and online material with your new addresses.
Registering your company for tax
If your company is actively trading, you must register with ZIMRA for income tax within 1 month of beginning any business activity. You may also have to register for VAT if your company generates over ZWL1 000 000 of VAT taxable turnover in one year, or it is likely to exceed this threshold within the next 30 days alone.
If your company is registered for income tax, you will be required to send monthly returns, quaterly, and annual Company Tax Returns to ZIMRA and pay any income tax that is owed.
Setting up a business bank account
You really should have a separate business bank account for all company finances. If you use your personal account, however it will make it difficult to distinguish company money from personal money and very difficult to operate.
Annual reporting requirements
You must send an annual return (a snapshot of company details and information about shares) and declaration of annual general meeting to the Companies Registry every year by the deadlines you are given.
Selling shares
You can issue more shares by increasing the share capital or selling/transferring existing shares at any time. The directors are responsible for such matters, but shareholder approval may be required in some situations.
Buy a shelf company
A ready to trade shelf company
with all company documents and extras
from US$220.00

Tel: (0242) 709 883
Mob: 0778 702 715
E-mail: is a service by Companies Made Easy (CME) a company registered in Zimbabwe at Pockets Building, 69 Jason Moyo Avenue, Second Floor, Suite 208 - 209, Harare. CME specialises in Shelf Company Registration in Zimbabwe and related corporate secretarial services.
Company Number: 15985/2019

Deeds, Companies, and Intellectual Property (DCIP) Registered Consultant

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